2016. gada absolvents
Šīs skolas brīnišķīgās darbinieces motivēja mani pabeigt vidusskolu un turpināt studijas augstskolā. Paldies viņām par ieguldīto darbu, atbalstu grūtākos brīžos, paldies par to, ka sagaidīja mani ar smaidu, ātri atbildēja uz maniem e-pastiem un vienmēr uzturēja ļoti draudzīgu gaisotni. Ļoti palīdzēja skolotāju izstrādātie materiāli, kas atviegloja individuālo mācīšanās procesu. Ja man būtu tāda iespēja, es noteikti vēlreiz te mācītos! Ne mirkli nenožēloju, ka izvēlējos Jūsu skolu. Pie Jums IR viegli mācīties. :)
2016. gada absolvents
Esmu ļoti pateicīgs par iespēju apgūt gan 11., gan 12. klasi viena mācību gada laikā! Tas ir ļoti laika ietilpīgs process, tomēr to var paveikt ikviens!
2015 graduate
I am very grateful to Riga 1. Distance Education High School for this opportunity. The schools administration and the teachers are very responsive, supportive and understanding. I am very happy, now that I have secondary education, which now gives me many opportunities for self-realization! Distance education turned out to be quite easy, as you yourself control the time when you study, which is very important nowadays, especially for working people! I will for ever treasure the memories I have made during this time. A huge thank you for helping me fulfill my dream, allowing me to change my life and my job. Thank you very much for your hard work and your attitude towards students! I hope that you make many more students as happy as you made me! You are the very best! I 100% would recommend this school!
2015 graduate
Now, that I have finally fulfilled one of my most cherished dreams of finishing high school, it seems fantastic. However it seemed so impossible and unattainable when I first applied for school. But thanks to my family, the teachers, and the schools administration I have finally succeeded. It is not as unachievable as it might have seemed in the beginning. A huge thank you to the school for the support, and generosity, good wishes and encouragement before the final exams. Thank you, thank you, thank you!