


During each school year students have to pass from 20 to 23 tests – average 3 tests per month. Except the students who choose to study by using an individual schedule.


In the main subjects, which are expected to have centralized national examinations, tests resemble the examination papers which are prepared by the National Centre for Education - it will help to be well prepared for them.


All tests have to be performed online. You will usually be given three hours to complete the test. You will have multiple opportunities to demonstrate your knowledge, all the tests consist of test questions, multiple choice questions and problem solving tasks. If it is easier for you to do the test on paper, it is possible to scan or simply photograph the finished copy of the test and add it to your answer in any file format.


The teacher will correct the test within five days. The corrected test can then be viewed in your in "eSKOLA" learning environment. Your mark will appear on your report card. As soon as all of the tests for the specific class are completed, the student moves on, to the next class. 

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